Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sunsets and Floral Polymer Clay Beaded Bracelets

Volume 10 Issue 2, February 2013


It is quickly becoming apparent that this year is going to be a very quick

year for me. I am astounded that we are already staring at spring when I

just started to enjoy the snow and the winter. The sun goes down later and

later every day.


Some of those sunsets are beyond spectacular, and I am always dashing

out of the cabin with my camera to take photos.  This untouched photo is

clip_image002one of the many magnificent cloud

 formations that can be seen over the                                                         

 Bridger Mountains.                                                                


In fact, they are so spectacular that I

spent the better part of the last year

shooting sunsets, which are compiled

into this newly released calendar for 2013.

It is filled with 12 full color pages of vibrant

sunsets, and a brilliant front and back cover.


These are the sunsets    clip_image002[7]

that Blu and I enjoyed

while we are staying

in the beautiful state of



The photography is all

geared towards the

big skies of Montana

and although most are

sunset photos, there is

one double rainbow and

a really cool flock of 

birds. It is available

through my Zazzle store.



I decided to do some more flat buttons. I only did three sets of the same at

this moment. I got a bit sidetracked with holiday cheer. Look for more in

the upcoming year.


Earrings: Newly designed earrings for Simply Montana were the inspiration for getting my new designs out. Vampire kisses and newly designed hearts

and conversation heart earring sets.


They are not only in the mall, but you can find these earrings in any of

my online shops and studios. My website has been the focus of my attention and it is newly updated with all my newest beads and canes.  Newsletter readers can take 30 percent off by using coupon code TY30


I have them in my Artfire studio, my Etsy shop and my



Until next month,

Julie & Blu


orange buttonsbrown and yellow flower earringsvalentine heart earrings easter bunny earrings Conversation heart earrings Vampire kiss earrings with fangs and Swarovski crystals



Things to Look Forward To:

New Products:

New Beads—Euro Style handmade polymer clay large hole beads to

fit the popular cable bracelets.

New Bracelets— Because I have set up shop in the Gallatin Valley Mall

in the Simply Montana shop, I have been creating beads and all the goodies

that went with that for a solid month. I needed to stock the shelves, so I

added 14 bracelets, 14 sets of beads, 14 flower earrings and tons of my

novelty earrings. Lots of bright spring colors in my studio theses days!




These bracelets are currently in the Gallatin Valley Mall. Simply Montana does not yet have a way to order online, but they will be doing that shortly. Please let me know if you are interested in any of the many bracelets not online and I will send you a catalog. Happy spring!